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moral hazard 【保險】道德上的風險〔因被保險人的不道德或輕率而對保險公...

moral law

Firstly , the concepts and creation mechanisms of adverse selection and moral hazard were explained , and then how to avoid them generally was discussed 闡述了道德風險與逆向選擇的概念及其產生機理,并從一般意義上給出了逆向選擇與道德風險的規避策略。

Through the introduction of the information economics theory , this part analyzes the low efficiency problem aroused by adverse selection and moral hazard 引入信息經濟學理論,對房地產市場逆向選擇問題及道德風險問題導致的市場低效率進行剖析。

Therefore , it is very practical to remedy its loopholes and curb the moral hazard with the principle of constructive ambiguity 因此,必須根據現行的金融關系對該制度進行相應的矯正,并運用“建設性模棱兩可”原則來克服該制度的道德風險。

( 2 ) the interior control institutions of state - owned commercial banks are imperfect , so the situation of the moral hazard of state - owned commercial banks is very serious ( 2 )國有商業銀行內部控制制度不健全,存在嚴重的道德風險。

In this paper , two main models under the circumstance of asymmetric information in the insurance market - the adverse selection and moral hazard were studied 摘要對描述保險市場的兩類不對稱信息逆向選擇和道德風險進行了研究。

On the other hand , stage investment is a better investment way that can reduce the moral hazard and inspirit venture entrepreneur 較之一次性投入,分階段投資是風險資本理想的投入方式,更能降低道德風險和激勵風險企業家。

The purpose of the conception of insurance interest is to tell the difference from gamble and prevent the probabilities of moral hazard 保險利益概念存在的意義在于使保險合同與賭博相區別,并防止道德危險的發生。

On financing supply side , there is credit rationing of the lender due to asymmetric information , adverse selection and moral hazard 在融資供給方面,由于信息不對稱、逆向選擇和道德風險的原因而存在信貸配給。

Putting some doubt into bankers ' minds ? “ constructive ambiguity ” , as the regulators put it ? is a guard against moral hazard 這種”建設性模棱兩可”的說法讓銀行家不好理解,也許監管者在說他們主要防范道德風險?

Due to moral hazard and issue of distribution in teamwork , unstability or failure is resulted in team finally 由于團隊生產中道德風險與收益分配等問題的存在,從而導致現實中種種團隊的最終不穩定與失敗等現象。

That created a system of asymmetric incentives also known as moral hazard , which encouraged ever greater credit expansion 這就造就了一個非對稱激勵體系,也被稱之為道德風險,它推動了信貸越來越強勁的擴張。

There are appeared adverse selection and moral hazard in credit market with asymmetric information , increasing credit risk 由于信息不對稱,貸款市場會出現逆向選擇和道德風險,增加對企業貸款的信用風險。

A key consideration in the design of the scheme has been to keep the cost low and to minimise the potential moral hazard 設計存保計劃的主要考慮因素,是要維持低成本及減低引致道德風險的可能性。

Less than a week before , its governor , mervyn king , had said such moves risked stoking “ moral hazard ” 其實直到不滿一周前,金恩(英格蘭銀行行長)還表示說,這種行為會帶來“道德風險”

As long as governments cannot - or will not - let ordinary depositors suffer inconvenience , moral hazard runs rife 只要政府不能? ?或者不愿? ?讓普通存款機構遭受麻煩,道德風險就會泛濫。

Unlike the pure moral hazard models , we assume that individual entrepreneurial abilities also affect team output 與純道德風險問題不同,我們設想企業中的個人能力也會影響團隊的產出。

Meanwhile , some prompting and supervision mechanism should be used to prevent venture capital manager ’ s moral hazard 同時,還應運用激勵約束機制來防范風險投資家的道德風險。

Their concerns relate mainly to the issue of moral hazard , the insurance cost and the fairness of its allocation 它們主要關注有關道德風險保險成本及成本分配是否公平等問題。

The coverage cap would be set at hk 100 , 000 initially in order to curtail moral hazard and keep down the insurance cost 承保上限初期定為萬港元,以減低道德風險及保險成本